برنامه درسی تربیت معلم دوره ابتدایی:ارائۀ الگویی همسو با سند تحول بنیادین نظام آموزش و پرورش


1 دکتری برنامه درسی مشاور آموزش و پرورش منطقه 4 تهران

2 استاد برنامه درسی دانشگاه علامه طباطبایی

3 استاد برنامه درسی دانشگاه فرهنگیان و دانشگاه تربیت مدرس

4 دانشیار مدیریت آموزشی دانشگاه علامه


پژوهش حاضر با هدف طراحی الگوی برنامه درسی تربیت معلم دوره ابتدایی، همسو با سند تحول بنیادین نظام آموزش و پرورش، با روش پژوهش هنجاری و از طریق تحلیل محتوای کیفی داده‌ها انجام یافته است. بدین منظور، پیشینه نظری و پژوهشی مبانی برنامه درسی تربیت معلم، با توجه به هدف اصلی پژوهش، متون سند و مبانی نظری تحول بنیادین، مطالعه و مفاهیم مرتبط با تربیت استخراج و مقوله‌بندی شد. مرحلۀ نخست، به تنظیم اصول برنامه درسی تربیت معلم اختصاص داشت. سپس جهت تبیین این اصول برای تربیت معلم دوره ابتدایی با 6 نفر از نویسندگان مبانی نظری تحول بنیادین و سند، و 14 نفر از صاحب‌نظران تعلیم و تربیت مصاحبه شد. دستاورد این مطالعه و مصاحبه، معرفی 5 اصل است: اصل آزادی خردمندانه، تدریج و تعالی مرتبتی، سندیت و مرجعیت مربیان، کسب شایستگی ها و رویارویی و تجربه. در نهایت، مؤلفه‌های برنامه درسی تربیت معلم دوره ابتدایی- شامل غایت اصلی، اهداف، محتوا، روش، نقش استاد، ارزشیابی، جو، زمان، مکان و حفظ، ارتقا و بازنگری برنامه- تعیین گردید، سپس بر اساس رویکرد تربیت معلم شایسته، شایستگی‌های مورد نظر برای تربیت معلم دوره ابتدایی در قالب یک الگو طراحی شد.


عنوان مقاله [English]

Design of curriculum model for elementary teacher education:In line with the Fundamental Reform Document of Education

نویسندگان [English]

  • mansoureh mahdavi hezaveh 1
  • hasan maleki 2
  • mahmoud mehrmohammadi 3
  • abbas abbaspour 4
2 professor in Allame Tabatabayi University
3 Chief in Farhangian University and Professor in Tarbiat Modarres University
4 Associate Professor in Allame Tabatabayi University
چکیده [English]

The present research aims to “design a curriculum model for elementary teacher education in line with the fundamental reform document of education” (FRDE). In doing so, the normative inquiry and the qualitative content analysis of data were used. We reviewed the theoretical and research background of the teacher education curriculum. The FRDE and the theoretical foundations of the reform document were studied and the concepts which were related to education were categorized using thematic analysis. In the first step, the principles of teacher education curriculum were determined. To explain these principles for elementary teacher education, we interviewed 6 scholars who have written the theoretical foundations of the reform document, as well as 14 connoisseurs in the field of education. In this process, five principles were achieved: Wise freedom continuous evolution, authenticity and authority of trainers, gaining competencies, the encounter and the experience. Finally the components of teacher education curriculum were specified: ultimate values, goals, content, method, the role of teacher, evaluation, climate, time, place and sustainability and improvement. According to the approach of training competent teacher, the necessary competencies for elementary teacher training were designed in the form of a model.
The present research aims to “design a curriculum model for elementary teacher education in line with the fundamental reform document of education” (FRDE). In doing so, the normative inquiry and the qualitative content analysis of data were used. We reviewed the theoretical and research background of the teacher education curriculum. The FRDE and the theoretical foundations of the reform document were studied and the concepts which were related to education were categorized using thematic analysis. In the first step, the principles of teacher education curriculum were determined. To explain these principles for elementary teacher education, we interviewed 6 scholars who have written the theoretical foundations of the reform document, as well as 14 connoisseurs in the field of education. In this process, five principles were achieved: Wise freedom continuous evolution, authenticity and authority of trainers, gaining competencies, the encounter and the experience. Finally the components of teacher education curriculum were specified: ultimate values, goals, content, method, the role of teacher, evaluation, climate, time, place and sustainability and improvement. According to the approach of training competent teacher, the necessary competencies for elementary teacher training were designed in the form of a model.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Designing a Curriculum Model
  • Elementary Teacher Education
  • Competency Approach
  • Fundamental Reform Document of Education (FRDE)
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