Development and Validation of Pre-service Primary school Teachers Pedagogical Content Knowledge

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor of Educational Psychology, Urmia University. Orumieh. Iran. (Responsible author)

2 Graduated bachelor's degree of Educational Psychology, Urmia University. Orumieh.


Knowledge of pedagogical content has a very important impact on the design and implementation of teacher teaching in schools. Therefore, the curnent situation, development and efficiency of this knowledge, its relationship whit the quality of education and it impact on learning processes need to be carefully examined. The purpose of this research was the development and validation scale for pedagogical content knowledge of Primary school teacher training students. The method of the research was descriptive. The statistical society was all of the student teachers in elementary course of the Teachers University that of the whole of the sample with the number of 203 students, 120 female and 83 male filled out the questionnaire online. First, it was proceeded to derivation the components and composition the measure by studying the literature of the research. Then, in order to determine correlation between components and validity of the scale Pearson's coefficient of correlation and factor analysis were used. The results of the research showed that there was a positive and significant correlation between components of the scale and the scale has an acceptable content validity. The validity of the structurewas determined using exploratory factor analysis by principal components. Finally, the scale was determined as the three main components of curriculum knowledge, learner knowledge and teaching knowledge strategies. Then it can be concluded that the pedagogical content knowledge of pre- service teachers- scale has appropriate validity in Iranian society and it can be used inorganizational situations and research related to educational content knowledge.


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