A study of students' identification areas in farhanghian University: Cace study Hormozgan farhanghian University

Document Type : Original Article


hD. in Philosophy of Education, Shiraz University and Lecturer of Farhangian University


One of the fundamental issues of human life in all the time, especially the modern age is the question of identity. Despite numerous theorizing in this area,Still the three aspects Contains conceptual, social, and education will be a big issue in identity debate. the researchers’ main aim is an analysis of the formation of identity in teacherstudents of Beheshti University campus in Bandar Abbas teachers. method of data collection in this research is in-depth interview and data analysis, is inductive and deductive analysis. results show overall teacherstudents during their studies have been confronted with four major categories. the greatest emphasis at the university level is socio-cultural and religious areas. teacherstudents dealing with areas of identity in two forms have been intentionally or unintentionally. category of conscious confrontation relate socio-cultural fields and partly on religious grounds and the confrontation was unconscious in two other areas


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