Identification of Teachers' Experiences in Implementing the Requirements of Active Learning in the Process of Teaching and Learning: a Phenomenological Study

Document Type : Original Article


1 Author :Ph.D. in educational sciences (curriculum planning), contact number: 09141105462, email:

2 Ph.D. in educational psychology, Secretary of Education of Tehran Province


In recent decades, the requirements for active teaching have gained prominence as an effective and innovative approach in the realm of teaching and learning. This study was conducted with the aim of identifying teachers' experiences in implementing the mentioned requirements. It used qualitative research method and was phenome nolog ical in nature. The population consisted of high school teachers of Tabriz, Iran during the academic year of 1401-402. The participants were selected through purposive sampling, and the increasing the sample size continued up to data saturation (16 participants). Data was collected through comprehensive in-depth interviews and was analyzed using Smith's (1995) proposed method. Three main themes were extracted from the findings including the benefits of implementing active teaching, the challenges of implementing active teaching, and the strategies for implementing active teaching each of which consisted of some subthemes. The results indicate that by enhancing the educational processes through students' experiential learning, encouraging their active participate on, and fostering motivation for interaction, teachers were able to improve the requirements for active teaching. Moreover, these experi ences demonstrate that addressing the executive challenges of this approach can improve educational performance through teachers’ readiness, the use of diverse strategi es, and the creation of effective learning environments.


Main Subjects

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